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Unser Hotel

Kräutergarten Hotel Schneeberg – Wo Natur und Entspannung Blüten treiben

Wir möchten Ihnen unseren neuen Kräutergarten vorstellen. Hier können Sie die Vielfalt heimischer Heil- und Gewürzkräuter entdecken und deren entspannende Wirkung genießen. Nehmen Sie an unseren Workshops teil oder entspannen Sie in unserem Spa mit speziellen Kräuteranwendungen. Der Kräutergarten ist ein Ort der Ruhe und Erholung – perfekt, um Ihren Aufenthalt bei uns zu bereichern.

Top Offer

Summer intense

Our 3 (THU-SO) or 4 (SO-THU) days short and intensive offer. Including “All-Inclusive Light” and a wellness vo ...

from 349 € per pers.
to the offer

A fairy tale autumn & intense wellness

Our 3 (THU-SO) or 4 (SO-THU) days short and intensive offer. Including “All-Inclusive Light” and a voucher for ...

from 319 € per pers.
to the offer

Sun, snow and wellness

Our offer for a short but intense stay at the Schneeberg hotel including „All-Inclusive Light“ services and a  ...

from 380 € per pers.
to the offer

The Christmas market in South Tyrol

4 exciting days in the pre-Christmas time  in South Tyrol. Including „All-Inclusive Light“ services

from 390 € per pers.
to the offer

The first snow

Beautiful days with sun, skiing and wellness. Including „All-Inclusive Light“ services

from 541 € per pers.
to the offer

Our 7=6 family offer

Family holiday in South Tyrol (stay 7, pay 6). Including „All-Inclusive Light“ services

to the offer

One child free of charge

With a stay of at lest 4 days one of your kids stays for free! Including „All-Inclusive Light“ services

to the offer

The spring comes

Our 3 (THU-SO) or 4 (SO-THU) days short and intensive offer. Including “All-Inclusive Light” and a voucher for ...

from 319 € per pers.
to the offer

Ski Special for kids

Schneespaß für Kinder, Wellness und „All-Inclusive Light“

auf Anfrage
to the offer

All about skitouring… Ski touring days in Ratschings

An off-piste ski touring tour... hear yourself breathe, listen to your heartbeat and nothing but silence.

Inc ...

from 535 € per pers.
to the offer