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Tobogganing in the Ridnaun Valley

Sledding - fun for the whole family

In the alpine area sledding has a long tradition. Sleighs were once used as transport of materials – but not only. Nowadays they are only used fro fun/sport. There are good 7 natural sledding slopes in the Ridnaun Valley!

Slope from the mountain pasture “Stadlalm”

The natural sledding slope is located at the top of the Ridnaun Valley, not far from our hotel. After the Mining Museum parking lot you will get to the hut by a short walk (45 min). There you also may have a break/eating some local delicacies, and then sledding down for its entire length (1,5 km). Ideal for families with children

Here you will find a short description of the slopes of Ridnaun and the surrounding area:

  • Slope Zunderspitzhütte in Ridnaun/Maiern: ca. 6,4 km long
  • Slope Reifenegg in Stange: ca. 1 km long
  • Slope in Ratschings, from the upper station to the valley: ca. 5 km long
  • Slope Waldeben in Jaufen Valley: ca. 1,4 km long (everyday lit by night)
  • Slope Atscherwiesen in Telfes: ca. 1,9 km long (everyday lit by night)
  • Slope Rosskopf in Sterzing/Vipiteno: ca. 10 km long (Thursdays and Fridays lit by night)